Monthly Archives: July 2020

Reflection for 2020/07/25 Father George Canto.

My Dearly Beloved Parishioners of St. Brieux and Kinistino   Jesus, once said: “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”. I believe we are all in search of a real treasure, whether it is material or spiritual. It is something that we hold dear. Today’s first reading and the Gospel talk about… Read More »

Sunday July 19th Reflection from Father George Canto

My Dearly Beloved Parishioners of St. Brieux and Kinistino, Once again, we see God’s patience, kindness and mercy in all the readings today. He deals with us patiently and isn’t quick to judge. He judges with mildness according to Wisdom in the first reading today. The response to the Psalm reminds us that He is… Read More »

Regarding Racism in our Society and a Call for Respect and Caring

Sask-Bishops-re-Racial-Intolerance-2020-07-13 Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ: As Catholic bishops of our province’s Catholic churches and institutions, we express our great concern regarding racial injustices. We join others in our community who support efforts at addressing racial injustice and respond to the scandal of how people treat one another. The protests that began over the… Read More »