My Dearly Beloved Parishioners of St. Brieux and Kinistino
Jesus, once said: “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”. I believe we are all in search of a real treasure, whether it is material or spiritual. It is something that we hold dear. Today’s first reading and the Gospel talk about treasures. King Solomon in the first reading was asked by the Lord what he wanted from Him. He valued good leadership and public service. So he asked the Lord for the gift of understanding mind or wisdom to be able to govern the people and discern between good and evil. For King Solomon, to serve the people in the best possible way was of paramount importance. For him to succeed as a ruler and to serve the interest of his own people, he needed to be guided by God’s wisdom. That was the best thing that he could ask for. In the Gospel, Jesus invites His listeners to do everything to possess the “Kingdom of Heaven” or to belong to it. It entails total commitment in doing God’s will. For several weeks now, Jesus has been showing us the reality of good and evil. As I’ve said, God is patient in dealing with us, hoping that we would choose the good, wheat over weeds, good fish over bad fish. We choose life, we choose faith, we choose goodness and we choose the “Kingdom of Heaven” over everything else. In the bible, Jesus had many occasions to ask people what they wanted to ask from Him. Bartimaeus was one of them and he said: “I want to see Lord”. He also asked King Solomon in the first reading. If the Lord is before us today, what will you ask Him? I know our hearts will have a big role to play to ask for the right thing. Where are treasures are, there our hearts will be also. Amen.
Have a good week everyone!
Fr. George